Three women smiling, standing together against a white wall. They are casually dressed and appear to be in a cheerful, friendly pose.

Considering or pursuing solo motherhood by choice is better with friends who get it!

Katie and countless other women can attest to the fact that COMMUNITY is key on the path to solo motherhood. Community Groups are one of the absolute BEST ways to build your village!


The Single Greatest Choice Community Groups

are the perfect place for any woman who is considering or pursuing solo motherhood and wants to connect with other badass ladies who GET IT.

Community groups include:

  • A private group of up to 10 other aspiring SMBCs

  • Six weekly 90-minute Zoom calls with your group (these are totally casual, so come in your PJs or with a glass of wine or mug of tea)

  • Weekly check-ins and conversations based on themes suggested by the group

  • A What’s App group for communication between and beyond the weekly calls

  • A new and totally irreplaceable group of “pocket friends” you can reach out to at any point in your journey!


May/June Community Group, Thursday, May 8 - June 12, 6pm CST

YOUR INVESTMENT: $398 (payment plan available)

Two images showing people socializing. The top image features a woman sitting with a laptop and a drink, smiling. The bottom image depicts three women at a table, laughing and enjoying drinks.

How it works:

Use the sign-up button to get enrolled and save you spot

Complete the form you’ll receive via email to share your topic ideas

Join the What’sApp group to start connecting with community

Woman smiling in sparkly dress with "Hey There" text in circular pattern on blue background.

Meet Your Coach

I’m Katie Bryan, a single gal turned solo mom and coach. Having a child on my own was definitely not the life I had planned, but the biggest plot twist is how much I LOVE this path that I never would have chosen.

Parenting solo has some huge perks, but the very best (other than the adorable sidekick, of course) is the incredible community of fellow SMBCs I’ve met along the way.

As your coach, I am honored to support you as we sift through your biggest hangups, worries, doubts and insecurities so that you can create a life you love. Through coaching & community, you’ll find the confidence and clarity you’ve been missing on your journey, and I will be with you every step of the way!

kind words from past clients:

  • There has been no greater comfort in this journey than connecting with many amazing women through the community groups. I feel the victories, setbacks, hopes, and fears of these women as if they are my sisters. They have all become a part of my village and knowing that we are all on this journey takes the “solo” out of solo mother by choice.

    – Molly

  • I found Katie's community at just the right time. Being part of her group for the last six weeks has been reassuring, eye-opening, and most of all, has helped me gain confidence in my decisions throughout my IVF process. I'm so grateful to be connected to this larger group of amazing, intelligent, inspiring women.

    – Tory

  • Community group was amazing. I now have a go-to group of friends that are in a similar or supportive position, and the conversations, discussions, video meetings, and WhatsApp group have been life changing. It’s been so positive. When going through the highs & lows of becoming a single mom by choice, having this group's support, knowledge & encouragement has been invaluable!!!!

    – Kathleen

  • I pretty much knew that this was the path I was taking but I felt like something was missing. And that was a community. This wonderful group of women who get it. Who understand what I'm going through and who will listen and who are there without judgement or pretence. Its so nice to know that I'm connected to this group of women throughout this whole process - even beyond the six weeks of community sessions. I can already picture all of our future kids becoming friends!

    – Michelle