Woman in a robe using a laptop while holding a mug, with the word 'Coaching' repeated around the image edge.

1:1 Coaching Package for aspiring SMBCs

gain the clarity and confidence you need to take the next step in your SMBC journey

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Person wearing headphones, sitting with laptop and notebook, writing or studying, book page overlay at top.

Does this sound familiar? You’re…

  • Still hoping to find the right partner, but curious about what solo motherhood might look like for you?

  • Trying to conceive, but still wading through complicated feelings about the path you’re choosing?

  • Pregnant or parenting, and seeking support and feedback?

Woman sitting by window looking outside on a snowy day, wearing a white sweater and jeans.

No matter where you are in your SMBC journey—from newly curious to fully committed—you don’t have to travel alone.

So often, we put pressure on ourselves to achieve total conviction before pursuing the dream of motherhood, when our actual goal should be: learning to hold and accept all of our messy and nuanced feelings with self-compassion.

Having worked with over 200 SMBCs and women considering this path, I know firsthand that those who pursue this path are extraordinarily capable and inspiring—and that’s not just because they are willing to go against societal norms in order to achieve their desires.

It’s because they are willing to do the work of preparing for that life, which entails deep introspection, confronting their vulnerabilities and disappointments, and letting themselves re-imagine what a happy, whole life could look like for them.

I love guiding women in this process, where we create space for both heartbreak and hope, frustration and fulfillment, grief and joy.

Does this sound like what you’re looking for?

If any of these thoughts ring true, 1:1 coaching is for you. Do you…

  • Worry that you’re choosing solo motherhood before you’re really ready? Maybe your perfect match is right around the corner, and you’re giving up on dating too soon?

  • Avoid confronting your hard feelings about choosing solo motherhood by throwing yourself into other pursuits, however productive (over-working, over-organizing) or unproductive they may be?

  • Want to pursue solo motherhood, but feel held back by lingering sadness around past relationships and how your life “should have gone?”

  • Worry that choosing solo motherhood will mean always feeling a little lonely?

  • Wonder if you can actually handle the logistics of parenting on your own?

Good news: you’re not alone in any of these feelings. In fact, wrestling with them is an indicator that you are already moving in the direction of your best life.

Now, imagine if you could…

  • Genuinely love the life you’re living now, rather than clinging to a fantasy version

  • Let go of resentment about past relationships or circumstances that got you here

  • Know how to nurture yourself when hard feelings inevitably arise

  • Choose your thoughts in order to move through any situation or decision confidently

  • Feel grounded in your identity and deserving of a beautiful life of your dreams

More good news: Learning these strategies now will help you find genuine self compassion and relief in the present, and also prepare you to be the kind of parent you know you want to be in the future.

Feeling exhilarated? Overwhelmed? Intrigued, but unsure? Or—most likely—all of the above?

It’s all good.

Together, we’ll investigate these feelings to uncover the thoughts that are holding you back. From there, we will envision a new narrative that’s far more interesting than the cookie-cutter fairytale we’ve been fed. In this new story, you’ll create the life you were truly meant to live—

and you don’t have to do it alone.


The Single Greatest Choice Coaching

is the program for women on the path to single motherhood by choice who want to finally shift their story from one that happened to them to one they would wholeheartedly CHOOSE!

When you enroll, you get six hour long sessions of 1-on-1 coaching specifically designed give you:

  • STRATEGIES for releasing past hurts and regrets

  • CLARITY on what’s most important to you

  • FREEDOM to live a life you love on your own terms

  • AND A WHOLE LOT MORE including:

    • unlimited What’sApp or Voxer SUPPORT from your coach, in case things come up between sessions

    • FLEXIBILITY to schedule your coaching sessions into your life - we can meet 6 weeks in a row, or spread the sessions out to work with your SMBC journey. The choice is yours!

Woman lounging on a white sofa using a smartphone, wearing casual jeans and a black shirt.

kind words from past clients:

  • In one session, Katie helped me let go of one of the biggest hangups I had about becoming a solo parent. Deep down, I think I knew I was ready...but I was SO caught up in what other people would think. Learning how to let go of that story changed everything for me!

    – Christina

  • I worried that I wasn't a "good fit" for coaching since I was still doing a lot of dating and was very uncertain if SMBC was for me. But in these sessions, I never felt pressured to make a decision. Honestly, I still don't know what I will ultimately decide, but it was so helpful to talk everything through. It helped me realize that what I do next is MY choice, not something that is going to happen to me.

    – Sarah

  • If you are thinking about coaching, I would definitely say to do it. It was really helpful talking to someone who has been through a lot of the same things and talked to so many women in the same boat. I already knew I was going to move forward with IVF, but coaching helped me feel more at peace with my decision.

    – Amanda

How it works:

Book a discovery call to confirm it’s a great fit

Purchase a package and schedule your first session

Gain clarity and confidence with each session

Smiling woman in a sparkling dress with wavy hair, standing outdoors with blurred background, next to text 'HEY THERE'.

Meet Your Coach

I’m Katie Bryan, a single gal turned solo mom and coach. Having a child on my own was definitely not the life I had planned, but the biggest plot twist is how much I LOVE this path that I never would have chosen. Parenting solo has some huge perks, but the very best (other than the adorable sidekick, of course) is the incredible community of fellow SMBCs I’ve met along the way. As your coach, I am honored to support you as we sift through your biggest hangups, worries, doubts and insecurities so that you can create a life you love. Through coaching, you’ll find the confidence and clarity you’ve been missing on your journey, and I will be with you every step of the way!


frequently asked questions

  • Your investment is $1197 for 6 sessions (less than one vial of sperm in most cases!). You can also opt for the payment plan option, which is $399 per month for three months.

  • When you sign up for a coaching package, you’ll gain access to Katie’s coaching calendar. You are encouraged to use your sessions within 6-10 weeks in order to build some momentum. Mindset work is like working out at the gym - you’ll see the best results with consistency!

    You will be able to schedule all 6 sessions when you first sign up, or book one session at a time. We can meet at the same time each week or vary our session times - you are in full control to book when it’s most convenient for you!

  • In order to build on momentum from one session to the next, it’s recommended to book weekly sessions (up to 10 weeks provides us with a little wiggle room in case of travel, illness, or just needing a little more time to integrate your thinking).

    Of course we can always be flexible on a case-by-case basis.

  • In most cases, a package of 6 sessions is recommended in order to give ourselves adequate time to “peel back the layers” and really get at the heart of what’s on your mind.

    In some situations, we can tackle a single issue in a one hour session (ex. you’ve narrowed it down to your top 3 donors and want help making the final choice). You can book a SINGLE SESSION for $227/hour. If you are not sure whether a single session or 6-session package is right for you, let’s start with a DISCOVERY CALL.

  • There is no set agenda for coaching sessions. They are built around the topics that matter most to you. When you choose to work with Katie, you’ll fill out an enrollment questionnaire that acts as a jumping-off point, but the sessions can go wherever you’d like. As your coach, Katie will help you clearly define your goals and make sure we stay on track during each session so that we get to your desired outcome by th end.

  • I truly believe that the tools I have to offer can help anyone to feel better about just about anything. That being said, if you are suffering from severe anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns, I will advise you to seek professional mental health support.

    I am not a therapist - just a girl who’s been through it, figured out how to feel better, then went and got the training to help you do the same. If you aren’t sure we are a good fit, I encourage you to schedule a DISCOVERY CALL.

Ready to find clarity and confidence as you consider solo motherhood by choice?